Robbie Rotten

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Robbie Rotten
Robbie Rotten
Robbie Rotten
Icelandic Name: Glanni Glæpur
Actor/Puppeter: Stefán Karl
Voice: -

Robbie Rotten is the main villain in LazyTown, played by Icelandic actor Stefán Karl Stefánsson.

Physical appearance

The character normally wears a two-piece suit of maroon and purple with gold pinstripes, formal shoes, a navy blue shirt with cuffs and cufflinks and a gold pocketwatch. His hair is black and extremely slicked, as are his eyebrows. Robbie's eyes are seen to be grey in the series, however, some official merchandise has depicted him with brown eyes. He is the tallest character in the series, and is very thin.


Nothing is know of Robbie's history. We have no idea of where he came from or what made him into the character that he is. It is hard to guess how old Robbie is, or what effect his parenting might have had on him. We also do not know how he built his underground lair or acquired his skills in assembling his various gadgets and machines. Despite all of this he remains an enigmatic and detailed character below the surface.



Robbie's immaturity can be seen in certain childish behaviour, fear and lack of development. He is afraid of he dark, he often jumps when surprised, and when confronted or exposed he slinks away with embarrassment. He exhibits a fear of abandonment and he reacts by dreaming up an imaginary friend (the little fly in The First Day Of Summer.

Social Awkwardness

Robbie has little or no idea of how to act in Social situations. When he attends Ziggy's birthday party in The Greatest Gift he is unsure of how to behave or act around others. Pixel greets him and he simply replies "Whatever."


Malevolence is defined as "the state or condition of being malevolent; hostility." There is no doubt that Robbie often displays malevolence towards others having a desire to ruin their fun and to teach them a lesson. He once shoved an entire bop it up his anus and still managed to get the best score out of anyone in Lazytown. He is particularly malevolent towards Sportacus, wanting to drive him away or get rid of him for good. Several times he also tells Stephanie to "go away little girl." Fortunately his malevolence does not result in physical injury or harm, even despite some of his tricks and rotten plans being downright dangerous. In fairness it must be said that Robbie's plans in LazyTown are exhibited in a cartoonish manner and with all the appropriate buffoonery and humour. Nevertheless he makes an interesting psychological character study and is most likely the most complex and most intricate character in the series.

Soft Side

Despite all of the above, Robbie does have a soft side, and seemingly a desire to be loved and accepted. When shown kindness by others he often reacts with appreciation and softness. When invited to participate he will actually participate, and in certain situations can even show love and care. He shows love and care towards his robotic dog in New Superhero and he shows love toward his little fly in The First Day Of Summer.


Robbie is the Master of Disguises. While it's quite obvious for the audience it's him, for the LazyTown residents it is quite difficult to catch him. The only way for them to know it was him, is at the last moment when parts of or the entire disguise fails. He has some sort of an Automatic Wardrobe machine, which usually has the right disguise for him.

  • The Mailbox: The LazyTown Mailbox, which is usually used by Robbie as hiding spot.
  • Rob U. Blind: A traveling salesman who sells a machine for cleaning shoes.
  • Lazycus: A Superhero who attempted fill Sportacus place while he has troubles with his feet.
  • Sherlock Foams: A Detective who accused Sportacus of stealing Bessie's Birthday Cake.
  • Sportacus: Robbie dressed as Sportacus, because the kids always listen to Sportacus, so they finally listen to him.
  • The Birthday Fairy: The "traditional" fairy of birthdays, who comes to give Ziggy a present.
  • Scotty the Scoutmaster: A Scoutmaster who comes to teach how be "Lazy Scouts"
  • Dr. Rottenstein: A Doctor who declared an epidemic disease with the origins in the SportsCandy
  • Rottenbeard: An old Pirate who attacked LazyTown once, who returns searching for an old treasure.
  • The Dinosaur: A purple dinosaur which tries to scare Sportacus. Off the record, Robbie cannot see anything using this costume.
  • Sir Rottenham of Robbington: A knight who comes for the new prince of LazyTown, Stingy
  • The Rotten Kid: A Western Thief who had a duel with Sportacus
  • The gorilla suit: A Gorilla which tries to scare the kids and make them stop playing the Jungle Animals
  • Miss Roberta: A manners expert, who comes to teach the kids the opposite way
  • Fordmil Meansbad: The new Mayor of the town, who wins in a pretty weird election. The name comes from altering Mayor Meanswell's name.
  • Santa Claus: A Santa which comes in a "Grinch" mode.
  • The purple cow: A Cow just like the ones from his billboard
  • Giant fruit and veg: 3 giant veggies and fruits, which tries to scare the kids from eating healthy
  • Zobby: An Alien which comes to scare the kids, but ultimately befriends Ziggy.
  • Johnny B. Badd: The Mayor's favorite singer, who comes to play a concert in LazyTown; in exchange the LazyTown residents have to do everything he says.
  • A purple Bush: A bush for camouflage.
  • The Trash Man: A trash man who collects all the trash and blasts it over LazyTown
  • Mayor Meanswell: Robbie dressed as Mayor Meanswell, in order to make the rules in the way he wants.
  • Bob Wire: A Computer Technician contracted by the Mayor in order to modernize the town.
  • Big Bad Wolf: The Main Villain of the Three Piggies Story, who comes back to change the original story.
  • Lazy Scout Master General: A Master General who gives the Lazy Scouts Scavenger Hunt cards for chocolate cake.
  • The Purple Knight: An old knight who caused trouble in LazyTown and returns after Trixie pulls out his sword out of the stone.
  • Sergio Rottaldo: The famous soccer coach who enters his team into the world famous Lazy Cup. His wish is "Sportacus will leave town FOREVER!".
  • Chef Pablo Fantastico: Robbie dressed as world famous chef Pablo Fantastico to ruin the mayor and Bessie's dinner.


Robbie Rotten is also an Inventor and most of his inventions are made from scratch, but he has several ways to obtain a weird machine: his "Inventor Microwave" (A Microwave which make inventions) or simple purchase by phone, using a incredibly fast system.

  • Candy Faker Maker 3000: A device to make candy appear as fruit.
  • Memory Zapper 3000: Device created to erase Sportacus' memory and make him forget he was a hero.
  • The Lazy Ball: A Purple Ball which produce awful sounds, avoiding the owner to sleep.
  • Soccerbot: A Robot bought to beat Sportacus in a soccer game.
  • Rottenella: A doll from a Music Box, enlarged just to make her participate in a dance contest in order to beat Stephanie.
  • Littlizer 3000: Device used to shrink Sportacus to the age of 10.
  • Trash Blaster: A Trash Truck with a Cannon attached, which sent away piles of garbage.

Character development




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